Thursday, July 22, 2010

CSA Share: Week 9

This week a lot of preserving is on the menu.  Cabbage, summer squash, zucchini and cucumbers are all being "put up" for winter!  This is personally exciting for me because that means less money to spend this winter on healthy veggies and more variety too!!

If you are reading for the first time, our CSA comes from Screamin' Ridge Farms. Below you will see photos of each type of produce that we received, an amount in parentheses showing how many times we have received the item during the CSA, the approximate weight, and some of our ideas for what to do with the item!  Enjoy and leave us comments if you have any ideas for our produce that we haven't thought of.  We are always welcoming new ideas.

Swiss Chard (2) -- approximately 4.9 oz

Cherry Tomatoes (2) -- approximately 14.7 oz, it should be more but Chef Z ate some on the way back from pick-up
Broccoli (2) -- approximately 14.9 oz
Romanesco (1) -- approximately 12.8oz
Yellow Squash (3) -- approximately 2 lbs 3.1oz
Cucumbers (5) -- approximately 1 lb 5.7 oz
Patty Pan (4) -- approximately 13.8 oz
Yellow Potatoes (1) -- approximately 1 lb 4.3 oz
Zucchini (3) -- approximately 1 lb 12.6 oz
Green Beans (1) -- approximately 1 lb 1.1 oz
Eggs! and ...
1/2 gallon of Milk -- not from the CSA but picked up on the same day from a different farm.

Does anyone have any good ideas for preservation methods for our veggies?  We are finally getting more than we can eat in one week!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. If you find any small batch canning/preserving recipes, please share!!

  3. So excited to get my first huge tomateos at the CSA this week. This is my favorite time of year!

  4. If you need some good recipes, just buy the Ball Canning Recipe Book from Amazon, I have spoken to a couple of Chefs who are very experienced in preservation methods and they say that those recipes are golden.

    Hell yeah tomatoes!! We just got our first and I can't keep my hands off of them.
