Thursday, July 15, 2010

CSA Share: Week 8

First I want to apologize for the lack of "Weekly Reheat:" post this week.  Our internet has been less than reliable this week and I will honestly be impressed if I can get this post up without the server dying!

To recap last week quickly, we made it through a fair share of the veggies from last week with Chef Z making a delicious, entirely CSA based dinner for our Anniversary.  I made a batch of Mama M.B.'s spicy dill pickles, and I ate a lot of French omelets with sauteed summer squash and zucchini.  We also had salad, roasted summer veggies, and chicken sauteed in Screamin' Ridge Pesto!  Entries on the CSA dinner and pickles will be coming later this week--promise!

So this week for the CSA we got quite a few things that we have never received before and we have started to get raw milk from a local farm as well so it is included in the photos!  If you are reading for the first time, our CSA comes from Screamin' Ridge Farms. Below you will see photos of each type of produce that we received, an amount in parentheses showing how many times we have received the item during the CSA, the approximate weight, and some of our ideas for what to do with the item!  Enjoy and leave us comments if you have any ideas for our produce that we haven't thought of.  We are always welcoming new ideas.

 Cucumbers (4) -- approximately 4lbs 1.4oz: more pickles and cucumber salads!
I can also cut these up sushi style to bang through some of the excess rice we have. These things are HUGE this week!! I could probably beat someone to death with them.

 Zucchini (2) -- approximately 1lb 14.7oz: zucchini bread/muffins for breakfast and more yummy sauteed summer vegetables!  Great for steaming or lightly sauteeing with some garlic butter. Be careful not to overcook as they soften up really quickly

Yellow Summer Squash (2) -- approximately 1lb .8oz :
Same as the zukes

Patty Pan Squash (3) -- approximately 10.3oz

Basil (4) -- approximately 1.3oz
If one can't use this immediately I suggest mixing with a little olive oil and blitzing in a food processor. Afterward you can freeze and it will last quite a long time.
Cilantro (1) -- approximately 1oz

Broccoli (1) -- approxiamtely 8.5oz :
It's obvious what we will do with the florets. However we can use the stems later for soup so keep in touch!

French Rat Fingerling Potatoes (2) -- approximately 10.1oz

Cherry Tomatoes (1) -- approximately 7.5oz :
 Ok, seriously the best freaking tomatoes I have ever had. I ate almost a quarter of them before M.B was home to take pictures. I don't think I am going to cook with them, I am just going to eat them and silently laugh at everyone else who can't have them.

Cucumber Dill Yogurt Soup (1) and....


These shares are starting to get really big! It's a good thing I am back in school because one of my Chef/Instructors heads up the extending the season class so I am getting lots of good info. Posts will become a little more sparse as most of my time spend on the computer is dedicated to homework, but we'll try and keep up. This share was just beautiful and I can't wait to cook up some great dishes for you all!

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