Monday, May 24, 2010

It's Finally Here!!!

Hello Everyone!!

Chef Z and I were already getting pumped that we get our first share this week (!!!!) when we received an email from the owner of Screamin' Ridge Farm, Joe, with an "idea" of what are share will contain.  Here is the what our pickup on Thursday should contain if everything goes as planned with weather, etc.:

Pasture Raised Chicken Eggs (Yummmmm)
Baby Leeks
Hakurei Baby White Salad Turnips
Salad mix or a head of lettuce
Escarole and hopefully....
Chives, Oregano and Basil!!

We have some preliminary ideas/recipes in store.  I know Chef Z has a small batch of Spicy Asparagus Pickles in mind....

When we pick it up on Thursday night, we will be taking photos and weighing it all out with my dear friend, and fellow blogger, Jessica from Eat, Sleep, Garden who will be up visiting us in the land of Cheese and Maple Syrup!

Just an FYI for everyone, according to Joe, each share is roughly worth $32.50 based on weekly market retail prices with a 10%-15% discount.  Mind this stuff is of a higher quality since it is grown using organic/sustainable methods.  Maybe seeing the bounty will encourage others that the initial cost is worth while!  If you are ever in Montpelier for Capital City Farmer's Market be sure to check Joe Buley and Screamin'  Ridge out.

By the way, does anyone have any recipe suggestions?

---- M.B.

1 comment:

  1. Greetings! I came upon your blog in the comments section of (which was posted on my CSA's facebook page).

    This is my first year with the CSA and I'm looking forward to it! Hope you share some recipes! Enjoy your share this week. We're on schedule for Mid-June. Hey, how did you get shares earlier in VT than us in MA??? ha ha ha Lucky!
