Thursday, June 10, 2010

CSA Share: Week 3

It's the week before we go away for 12 days on vacation!  That being said a lot of preserving will be neccessary with this share in order to get it all out of the way before our trip.  Remember the number in the parentheses is the number of weeks that we have gotten this item.  Also remember that each weeks share equals approximately $32.50 and that Joe at Screamin' Ridge Farm uses organic/sustainable methods   This week the share included:

Assorted lettuce which included Green Leaf (2) and another type whose name I don't remember...sorry!  weighing in at approximately 12.9oz
Escarole (3) approximately 2.7 oz
Oregano (2), approximately .6oz
Mint, approximately .4oz
Chives (2) with flowers, approximately .5oz
Senposai, a green that is like mustard greens and cabbage according to Joe and can be used in stirfries, approximately 6.4oz
Basil (2) approximately .6oz
Radishes (3) approximately 4.8oz
Cucumbers, approximately 1lb 5oz
Asparagus (3) approximately 7.1oz and last but not least...

So the ideas that we have for this share are:

Cucumber pickles two ways
Mini Asparagus Frittatas
LOTS of salad
Braised/Stir-fried escarole, senposai, etc.
Mojitos, I don't like mint on my lamb. But I like to drink!
and donations to the kind people who are helping us out before we leave!

Joe included another recipe idea in our weekly email that might help you who are getting Senposai out!  Joe suggests chopping it up with garlic, onion and basil and stir-frying it.  Add some egg and some leftover rice for a fried rice stir fry.  If you need a stir-fry sauce Joe recommends using a mix of soy sauce (1/4 c.), sesame oil (1 tbsp) and rice wine vinegar (1 tbsp) -- thanks Joe!

 When I was living in Hawai'i, I made Haole fried rice. Now Haole is pretty much a racial slur against white mainlanders, but you have to take everything in stride. My fried rice starts off with sesame oil and some veggies, usually onions, garlic, peppers, or whatever I have laying around. Once those are sweated I add the rice and turn the heat up, hence 'fried' rice. After I get the rice to temp, making sure not to burn it, I add the shoyu (soy sauce). You have to be careful here because it is really easy to add to much, you are just looking to give it that famous brown hue. Once the flavor has developed and I am satisfied, I add a couple eggs and stir vigorously to make sure that it all mixes in. Boom, done. Now you have all the makings of a full course meal in one pot. Cooking time: 15-20 minutes.

---- Chef Z & M.B.


  1. I'll throw out an idea for the escarole, if you're not averse to anchovies -- the recipe for "wilted greens" on (which comes from a Mario Batali recipe) makes for a delicious side dish...

  2. We braised it we haven't been able to post the pictures yet due to our vacation. It turned out wonderful. Oh and we are totally the opposite of adverse to anchovies. I eat them right out of the jar.

    P.S.: sorry about the bad grammar my comma button is busted.
